Nanoparticle etching

Colloidal Self-Assembly

Colloidal Self-Assembly

Nanomaterial Design

How can we design nanocatalysts from the bottom up?
Nanocrystal cores

Colloidal Self-Assembly

Colloidal Self-Assembly


What drives nanocrystal growth and shape formation?
Magic clusters

Colloidal Self-Assembly

Colloidal Self-Assembly

Colloidal Soft Matter

What is the role of kinetics in nucletion pathways?
Icosahedral quasicrystal

Colloidal Self-Assembly

Colloidal Self-Assembly

Crystallization Processes

How does structural complexity emerge?

We are a computational and theoretical research group in the Institute for Multiscale Simulation at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Our research interests lie broadly in soft matter, nanoscale, atomic, and particulate systems with a focus on self-assembly and self-organization, bottom-up processes by which individual components arrange themselves into complex structures.