PhD defense Marco
Marco Klement defended his thesis and obtained a PhD in Physics. The title of his thesis is: “Computational Studies of Anisotropic Particles”.
Engel Lab
Marco Klement defended his thesis and obtained a PhD in Physics. The title of his thesis is: “Computational Studies of Anisotropic Particles”.
The following Saturday,
Oct 19, 2019, 18h–1h, in the foyer of IZNF (Cauerstraße 3)
our lab will participate at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, an established form of public relations activity in Germany. We will present our work in form of interactive particle simulations, 3d visualizations, and a small hands-on experiment involving a laser interacting with a colloidal monolayer.
Kommen Sie uns besuchen!
Nils Thuerey, Miriam Mehl and Michael Engel are offering again this fall a student course at Ferienakademie in the Italian Alps. The topic is Accelerating Physics Simulations with Deep Learning. The course is open to students at FAU Erlangen, TU Munich and U Stuttgart and will be a combination of presentations given by the participants and project-based team work. Read more our plans here.
Prerequisites for this course are basic programming skills, a sympathy for numerics and stochastics and the ability to work in a team on a project involving not only theory but also real hands-on coding (C/C++, Python, and similar). Hurry up! Applications are open a few more days until May 2, 2018.
Importantly, there is not only time for science but also time for wonderful hiking around Sarntal, Tyrol. Below is a picture from last year’s course:
The Ferienakademie is a summer school with a long tradition organized by three universities in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. It is an excellent opportunity to spend two weeks in late summer/early fall in the Tyrol mountains (northern Italy) to learn and explore science, coding, and nature.
This year Nils Thurey (TU Munich), Miriam Mehl (Uni Stuttgart), and Michael Engel are offering a course on the topic “Creating Animations by Machine Learning and Simulation” to Master’s students in computer science, engineering, math, physics, and chemistry.
The dates of the course are: 17.09. – 29.09.2017.
Application is now open until 9 May 2017.
More information can be found at:
PDF: Ferienakademie-Plakat-2017
Starting in the fall semester 2016/2017, Michael Engel will be MAP Focal Subject Chair for “Computational Materials Science and Process Simulation”. MAP is short for “Advanced Materials and Processes”, an international elite Master’s program funded by the Elitenetzwerk Bayern at the intersection of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering. Interested students can apply here.