PhD / Postdoc position
If there are currently no advertised positions and you are interested in joining the lab, please contact Prof. Michael Engel stating your research interests and describe briefly how they are related to work in our group.
Sometimes there are funds available on short notice. We also offer assistance for applications to DAAD scholarships or a Humboldt Research Fellowship for highly qualified and motivated foreign graduates.
Master thesis / Bachelor thesis / Miniproject
We are a team of engineers and scientists working in the Interdisciplinary Center for Nanostructured Films (IZNF) and are looking forward to you joining our research efforts!
Various projects are available (e.g. ligand-shell nanocrystals, colloids under confinement, host-guest crystal growth, and actively driven granular matter). Depending on the topic, you will learn basics of numerical modeling and simulation of particulate and molecular system, data analysis, phase diagram calculation, high-performance computing, and gain insight into aspects of data science and machine learning. Many projects involve experimental collaborators.
For information please send an email to or contact me in an informal manner.