Summer of conferences
Several members of the lab traveled to present and promote their newest research results at conferences throughout Germany:
- Praveen Bommineni, Chrameh Fru Mbah, Marco Klement, Junwei Wang, Nydia Varela presented posters and Alberto Leonardi, Michael Engel presented talks at the “Particle-Based Materials Symposium” (PBM) at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- Alberto Leonardi presented a talk and poster at the “Materials Science and Engineering Congress” (MSE) at Darmstadt University of Technology.
- Praveen Bommineni and Chrameh Fru Mbah presented posters at the CECAM Workshop “Collective Behavior of Soft and Active Matter under Confinement” at Schloss Waldthausen in Mainz.
- Marco Clement presented a poster at the Symposium “Anisotropic Particles” of the SFB 1214 at University of Konstanz.